Dave - Technical Manager

Dave My family and I moved to Baltimore, Maryland in 1982 where I’ve worked in the IT field ever since.  I am the IT Manager for a Maryland based bank and I have over 35 years of experience working with pretty much anything that deals with day to day technologies.

I became interested in the Paranormal in 1989 when we purchased a very old home that seemed to have a lot of paranormal activity.  Both of the previous owners had died in the house which was a perfect formula for activity.  My family has reported many incidents of activity throughout the years but none of us knew what to do about it or how to verify the activity.  To that point, they were just stories with no evidence to prove or disprove the activity.

My interest grew with the introduction of the paranormal based reality shows.  Watching these shows provided some prospective to the experiences that my family and I had throughout the years.  These incidents of paranormal activity increased my desire to investigate in order to find the answers to what I was looking for…Proof of the after-life.  However, I seemed to be more interested in the technologies that are/could be used to perform these investigation and the theories associated with these technologies.

I was afforded the opportunity to join GPIT and became the Tech Manager.  Since then, we have introduced several technologies to the group in our efforts to find whatever evidence we could that would provide us with the answers we are all looking for.

I am still searching for that one piece of evidence that will provide me the answer to what I am looking for….PROOF.
