Equipment We Use

 Got Paranormal? Investigation Team of Maryland (GPITMD) use various electronic devices while performing our investigations.

The following represent a basic list of devices and their functions that we use to accumulate evidence of our investigations.  GPITMD is constantly testing new equipment and techniques.  This is not necessarily an all encompasing list of equipment we use.

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The BooBuddy is a stuffed bear that is generally used as a trigger object when attempting to communicate with child spirits.
The BooBuddy contains electronics which measure changes in EMF (Electro-magnetic Field), changes in temperature and also senses vibrations as in being touched.  The BooBuddy responds with voice responses to any of these changes and works well in conjunction with a DAR (Digital Audio Recorder).
The BooBuddy also performs its own EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) sessions on a sporadic basis.

The Boo Buddy can be found at Ghoststop. Click HERE to link.



The Laser Grid is a high powered laser that emits a grid of laser dots that can aid in detecting movement of shadows by observing disturbances in the grid.
The Laser Grid is generally used in conjunction with some sort of camera that can record any disturbances in the Laser Grid such as an IR DVR based camera.


Full Spetrum GoPro Camera

The Full Spectrum GoPro Camera is a standard GoPro camera that has been modified to include the ultraviolet spectrum of light as well as the infrared spectrum of light.  This modification allows image detection over a wider spectrum of light with greater sensitivity.


DVR and IR Cameras

Infrared cameras use infrared radiation of the electromagnetic spectrum to form images. It is similar to the cameras we normally use. The only difference is that normal cameras only use the visible light spectrum.
This type of camera is always used during a night investigation.  The most important reason for this is these cameras work well in total darkness as the ambient light level does not matter, thus making them best for paranormal investigation.


K2 Meter

The K2 is a device that displays changes in the EMF (Electro Magnetic Field).  EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) is produced by an electrically charged object and causes variables in the behavior of charged objects nearby. This activity is displayed by lighting the lights on the device.  The more lights, the stronger the field fluxuation.


DAR (Digital Audio Recorder)

The DAR (Digital Audio Recorder) is used to record witness interviews, field notes, and of course the EVP (Electronic Voice Phenonmenon). An EVP (Electronic Voice Phenonmenon) is an electronically generated noise that resembles speech, but are supposedly not the result of intentional voice recordings or renderings. Basically, voices that are not from natural sources.


Handheld IR Digital Camera

Infrared cameras use infrared radiation of the electromagnetic spectrum to form images. It is similar to the cameras we normally use. The only difference is that normal cameras only use the visible light spectrum.
This type of camera is generally used during a night investigation and is self contained.  The most important reason for this is these cameras work well in total darkness as the ambient light level does not matter, thus making them best for paranormal investigation.


SLS Kinect Camera

This camera will detect human shapes in absolute darkness or full light. The manifestation is in the form of a stick figure that takes shape within the human shape.  It also seems to see bodies when there is nothing there the naked eye can see by showing a stick figure where there is no human body. The theory is that this is a manifestation of a spirit.


Flux Response Device

This ghost hunting device provides clear responses that can be seen and heard during an investigation. We ask a questions with a Yes/No answer (ie. Green for yes, Red for no) or any close-ended questions and wait for a response. Responses are clear as either Red or Green with a tone that indicates the answer to the question.

The Flux Response Device can be found at Ghoststop.  Click HERE to link.
