Frequently Asked Questions

The following is a list of frequently asked questions.

Q: What is Got Paranormal? Investigation Team?

A: GPIT for short, is an all volunteer paranormal investigation and research organization that specializes in helping people by investigating suspected haunted locations and researching the realm of paranormal phenomena in and around the Mid Atlantic Region.  If you have any questions, or a FAQ that you would like answered you may go to our "Contact Us" button or click HERE to send us an email with your question or concern.


Q: What do you charge for your services?

A: There is generally no charge for our investigative services.  However, this may vary depending on travel distance and if any extraordinary circumstance arises.


Q: What happens after GPIT comes to my house?

A: A few things may happen after an investigation.  GPIT will review and analyze all of the camcorders, infrared cameras, audio recordings and any other equipment that were recording during the investigation. We will look at all of the still photography taken at the site and try to locate any possible paranormal anomalies. After the review of the evidence, we may return to the site to see if we can recreate or debunk any possible “evidence” that was found during our analysis. If there wasn’t any evidence found, we may attempt re-schedule another investigation to try to gather any other evidence that may be present.t You will be provided with a written report of the investigation within 30 days after the investigation has been completed.


Q: How long does an investigation generally last?

A: An investigation, depending on the type of activity and the size of the residence, takes 3 to 4 hours to complete. This includes interviewing the witnesses, setting up the paranormal equipment and a thorough investigation of the  location.


Q: What constitutes a possible haunting?

A: Experiences occuring that cannot be explained by practical means could indicate paranormal activity.  Events such as moving objects, visible shadows, apparitions, disembodied voices, as well as any other unexplained activity.


Q: If you do not find anything on an investigation, does that mean the location is not haunted?

A: No.  The lack of evidence simply means that we cannot say there is paranormal activity at the time of our investigation.  Spirits or entities will sometimes hide during an investigation.


Q: What type of paranormal equipment do you use?

A:  We use digital cameras, DVR systems with infrared cameras, SLS cameras, video cameras with IR & full-spectrum lighting, real-time EVP equipment, digital thermometers, electromagnetic field meters, EM pumps, infrared photography, motion sensors, IR lighting, strobe lights, laser grids and digital audio recorders. Some of the above equipment is used to gather electromagnetic, temperature and motion readings.  Other equipment is used to capture video, audio and photographic evidence.  This equipment is used as necessary based on the individual investigation.


Q: What is an EVP?

A: EVP, or (E)lectronic (V)oice (P)henomena, is a mysterious event in which human-sounding voices from an unknown source are heard on a digital audio recording (DAR), in radio station noise and other electronic media. Most often, EVPs have been captured on digital audio recorders (DARs). The mysterious voices are generally not heard at the time of the recording although, some voices can be heard in real-time. It is only when the recording is played back that the voices are heard. Sometimes amplification and noise filtering is required to hear the voices. Some EVPs are more easily heard and understood than others and they vary in gender (men and women), age (adult and children), tone and emotion. They usually speak in single words, phrases and short sentences. Sometimes they are just grunts, groans, growling and other vocal noises. EVPs have even been recorded speaking in various languages.


Q: Can Spirits or Ghosts hurt you?

A: Unlikely, but it could happen. Most Spirits are just trying to tell you something and the longer they feel you ignore them, the stronger their actions may come.


Q:  Why do we have ghosts & spirits?

A:  Ghosts may or may not realize that they have "passed".  They may linger on this plane for several reasons:

   1.  They may not realize that they are dead.
   2.  They may fear "crossing over" and being confronted with their final judgement.
   3.  They may linger behind because they are in an environment (house, etc.) that they loved while alive, and do not wish to leave it.
   4.  They stay behind to look after loved ones.
   5.  The may wish to seek retribution on someone who, possibly, caused their death.


Q:  What is the difference between a ghost and a spirit?

A:   Ghosts are souls of the deceased which have not "crossed over" to the other side. They have not gone into "the light".  A spirit has crossed over and may choose to come back at will.