George - Investigator

George I have to say that my wife is the one who got me really involved in paranormal investigating.

I have been doing paranormal investigating since 2012.

My favorite place to visit is Point Lookout Lighthouse.  The property itself alone is beautiful and has a lot of history with it not just paranormal activity.

I’m not frightened when investigating a location but more intrigued by the event. It was at Point Lookout Lighthouse when our group experienced something very strange.  We all heard a voice say “Mark” after a lead member asked if there was anyone with us in the room.  To me, this was an awesome experience and intrigues me to look more into the history and happenings of this location or any location.

If I know someone who is interested in the paranormal, I would tell them to try it for themselves and see if it’s something that they would like to do.
