Judy - C0-Founder/Lead Investigator

I became interested in the paranormal after experiencing many unexplained occurrences in my home when I was a child.  As I became an adult and realized that there were paranormal groups, I decided to reach out and join GPIT.  Since joining, I have answered many of my own questions and have a better understanding of the paranormal world.  I continue to study and learn all I can as I continue this awesome adventure.

I have been doing paranormal investigating since 2010.

My favorite place to visit is Ramblewood.  Not only do I enjoy the history and being with my paranormal friends, I’m very interested in the activity that comes with this historic location.

I’m usually not afraid when investigating a location but once in a while my hairs stand up a bit.  One time I remember, vividly, when our group was investigating a farm museum in Maryland.  I actually was a bit concerned when the hairs on my arms stood straight up but I have to say I was not scared.

I would say to anyone that asks me about their paranormal experiences, to look into it.  Don’t be afraid of what others say or how they feel about you.It’s your experience, not theirs.  Go for it.
